Jan Fisher
Melanie Albrecht (ED Business & Strategy), Sharyn Morrison
Darren Welsh (Ed Corporate & Quality), Craig Henley, Kelvin Asplin
Ritchie Dodds (ED Finance & Admin), Christopher Milloy

Organisation and Executive

Our Organisation

Organisational Chart

Our Executive Team

Over a period of time we have built up a very effective executive team and supporting levels of management to maintain the momentum of our organisation.

They are charged not only with the smooth administration of the Service but also with the realisation of the strategies derived through the process of governance, the introduction of new technologies and methodologies and the exploration of potential improvements in service delivery.

Their individual and collective expertise and enterprise continues to be instrumental in the growing quality of and scope of services we are able to offer and the organisational processes that underpin those services.

Our executive team are:
Chief Executive Officer - Ritchie Dodds
Executive Director, Business and Strategy - Melanie Albrecht
Executive Director, Clinical Services - Cheree Schneider
Executive Director, Quality & Safety - Darren Welsh
Executive Director, Finance and Administration - Janette Lakin
Executive Director, Medical Services - Richard Lowen
Executive Director Community Health - Rhys Webb