
West Wimmera Health Service is a Victorian Public Health Service incorporated under the Health Services Act 1988.

We are bound by a Service Agreement with the Victorian Department of Health to deliver acute care, aged care, allied, disability and community health services to the communities of Nhill, Goroke, Jeparit, Kaniva, Minyip, Murtoa, Natimuk, Rainbow and Rupanyup.


Board of Directors

We are governed by a Board of Directors, which is responsible for the effective and efficient clinical and corporate governance of WWHS and to ensure the reporting of financial and clinical status is accurate, transparent and meets Government requirements.

Board Directors are appointed by the Governor in Council on the advice of the Minister for Health, usually for a three-year term and are eligible for reappointment. Board Members are paid a nominal remuneration for the attendance at meetings.

Board vacancies and appointments are advertised in the newspapers with access to information including necessary skills and expertise and documents.

New Board Directors receive a comprehensive induction to familiarise themselves with the health industry and West Wimmera Health Service in particular.

Members are required to participate in professional education and training sessions to assist them in their duties to oversee the performance of WWHS and ensure it is meeting the policy and strategic objectives of the Minister for Health.

Board of Directors (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024)

Katherine Colbert, Chairperson

Felicity Walsh, Vice Chairperson

Matthew Jukes

Joanne Martin

John Millington

Anne Rogers

Gary Simpson

Margaret Sleeman

Sharon Tooley

Amanda Wilson

Committees of the Board

The following Committees report directly to the Board of Directors ensuring the Board has adequate, timely material available for making informed governance decisions.

Members of all Committees are required to declare any Pecuniary Interest or Conflict of Interest in any part of the Agenda, including all Board of Directors Meetings and do not take part in discussions or voting and may be requested to withdraw for those items.

Finance and Audit

The Finance and Audit Committee advises the Board of Directors on the financial management affairs of the Service including financial management strategies, operating and capital budgets and outcomes, investments, property holding and transactions, insurance, pricing and fees, taxation, financial viability, costs and benefits of strategic options in addition to recommending to the Board the annual budget and audited accounts. The Committee also undertakes the oversight of the internal auditor scope of work and performance, the Auditor-General's agent, the operation and implementation of risk management, effectiveness of management information systems, monitors compliance with laws and regulations and reports findings to the Board of Directors.

Members of the Committee are:

- Katherine Colbert

- Matthew Jukes, Chairperson

- Joanne Martin

- Anne Rogers

- Felicity Walsh

- (Vacant), External Independent Member


The Executive Committee is formed to deal with urgent or sensitive issues between scheduled meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee is responsible for exercising Board powers between meetings, review of the Chief Executive Officer's employment, performance and setting remuneration accordingly, representing the Service to third parties between meetings and witnessing the affixing of the Service seal.

Members of the Committee are:

- Katherine Colbert, Chairperson

- Felicity Walsh

- Matthew Jukes

- Sharon Tooley

- Ritchie Dodds

Quality and Safety Governance

The Quality and Safety Governance Committee is responsible for effectively monitoring and managing the quality elements relating to clinical quality, risk and safety, including professional; Clinical Credentialing and Appointments, Clinical Governance, Risk Management and Occupational Health and Safety.

Members of the Committee are:

- Sharon Tooley, Chairperson

- Gary Simpson

- Margaret Sleeman

- Amanda Wilson

- (Vacant), Community Representative

Project Control Groups

Project Control Groups are established from time to time as required to oversee Capital Works projects, ensuring that budgets and timelines are met. 

Members of the Committee are:

- Gary Simpson, Chairperson

- Matthew Jukes

Community Advisory Committees

The Community Advisory Committees (CAC) represents the broader community and provides a formal voice to customers and the community. They are consultative groups, which provides a forum to give input and to lead positive change at West Wimmera Health Service.

The Community Advisory Committees ensure that the community’s perspective is represented in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of services. The Committees provide feedback and recommendations to the Service with the purpose of improving the quality and safety of health services through customer collaboration and partnership.

Community Advisory Committee - Katherine Colbert

Disability Advisory Committee - Joanne Martin

Multicultural Working Group - John Millington

Chairperson - The Board Representative

 Gift, Benefits and Hospitality Policy and Register

In October 2016 the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) issued guidelines for Victorian public sector employees on giving and receiving gifts, benefits and hospitality.

The guildelines require all public sector organisations to publish its Gift, Benefit and Hospitality Policy and Register on its website.

A copy of West Wimmera Health Service's Policy can be viewed here >

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy

WWHS Gifts Register 2023 - 2024

WWHS Gifts Register 2022 - 2023

WWHS Gifts Register 2021 - 22

WWHS Gifts Register 2020 - 2021